The French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development co-ordinates the SLAFNET project at Kick-Off Meeting, which took place recently in Nice from the 5th to the 7th of July 2017. The Kick-Off Meeting brought together all members of the consortium has provided An opportunity for an update on the main objective of the project, the drawing up of a joint venture and the launching of initial actions. This meeting is also open to other stakeholders and the other side of the debate. This is a new opportunity
resolve all outstanding problems.
ABUNGU Patrick, National Museums of Kenya – MUSK
BONACCI Giulia, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development – IRD
COTTIAS Myriam, French National Center for Scientific Research – CNRS
D’ALMEIDA MENDES Antonio, University of Nantes -UNant
MALIK Iftikar, Bath Spa University – BathSpa
MECKELBURG Alexander, University of Hamburg – HLCES
N’GAIDE Abdarrahamane, Sheikh Anta Diop University – UCAD
NYANCHOGA Samuel, Catholic University of Eastern Africa – CUEA
OMER Ahmed, Addis Ababa University – AAU
OTELE Olivette, Bath Spa University – BathSpa
RODRIGUES José Damiao, University of Lisbon – FLUL
ROSSI Benedetta, University of Birmingham – UoB
TEELOCK Vijaya, University of Mauritius – UOM
Project Management Team:
BALLARIN Marie Pierre (coordinator), French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development – IRD
MEUNIER Myrina (project manager), French National Institute for Sustainable Development-IRD
European affairs officer
TREMEGE François, French National Institute for Sustainable Development – IRD